I began my fire service with the Lexington, KY Fire Department in 1987. My career consisted of firefighter, Paramedic, Lt. Fire Officer, Building and Code Inspector Level 3. I retired from the Fire Investigation Unit in 2010. During my career I also went through the Police Academy which provided me with arrest powers. I have obtained the following certifications. IAAI-CFI along with NAFI- CFEI, CVFI, CFII. All certifications are current. Around 2001, I began conducting private investigations with Forensic Fire. In March of 2003, I started Matrix Investigation Group and Jim Buscher and I were the principals. In 2021 Matrix was acquired by Chris O’Bryan an employee of Matrix since 2008. All investigators have extensive experience in both the public and private investigative fields. This dual experience gives us insight into the advantages and limitations of both sides. I am currently semi-retired and working for Matrix as an investigator, report reviewer and office assistant. I have and will always maintain my integrity and ethics concerning my investigations as well as business associations.